What’s Happening
Tuesday 11:30am - Read and Eat Book Club - Each week this group meets to discuss the book that is currently being read. After the meeting they go out to eat together.
Wednesday Nights at UUMC!
6:00 pm - Snack Supper - Join us for a simple meal to kick off our Wednesday nights together. Donations help pay for the meal.
6:30 pm - Children’s Activities - Ages 5-12.
6:30 pm - Adult Youth Group - all ages are welcome to join in this time of fellowship and learning.
6:30 pm - Bell Choir Practice - 7:30 pm - Choir Practice -
First and Third Sundays 8:00am - Biscuit Breakfast - A Sunday morning sausage gravy and biscuit breakfast with all proceeds benefiting camping ministries.
Second Sunday - Meeting Sunday - Following worship service a lunch is served with proceeds going to support different missions each month. Following the lunch Administrative Council meets every other month with Committees meeting in between months. Second Tuesday 5:00pm - The Lord’s Diner - Once a month volunteers from University UMC meet at The Lord’s Diner’s South Hillside location to serve a meal.
Third Thursday 12:00pm - Mature & Methodist - Once a month M&Ms host a potluck lunch with a program.
Fourth Monday - Crossroads - Once a month volunteers from University UMC provide a meal to The Children’s Home’s Teen program, Crossroads. Fourth Saturday 7:00 pm - Game Night - Bring your favorite game and snack and join us in the Gathering Place to play games with friends.