January 29, 2025
A Note from Pastor Y.O.
Dear University United Methodist Church,
Pastor Yolanda has graciously allowed me to use her platform to give my final farewell because I didn’t get to say “see ya’ later” to each of you! The decision to accept another opportunity was not an easy one, but when God opens a door, I’ve learned to listen. I believe He is guiding me towards this new adventure, and I want to see where He leads me. This isn’t the first time I’ve followed God’s guidance and taken the path I believe He has set for me.
Just nine months ago, as I was being interviewed for this position with Rev. Jo and members of the SPRC, I was also presented with another opportunity that offered more money and benefits, leaving me uncertain about which path to take. So, I prayed and talked with God. When I calmed my mind and listened, I felt God was leading me to University and this position. Since that moment, my relationship with God has grown exponentially. I’ve had more conversations with God in the past nine months than I have in most of my adult life.
I’ve not only experienced change and growth in my own relationship with God, but I’ve also witnessed significant change and growth at University. When I arrived in May, the office was quiet, with just “G” (our custodian) and me usually being the only ones in the building. Visitors and activities were rare. However, as July 7th approached and since then, I’ve seen this church come alive with activity and people. Now, most days, there are visitors to the church, activities taking place, and people dropping in to say “Hi.” “G” and I are no longer the only ones in the building most days, and I hope this trend continues.
As you, the members of University, continue to grow and evolve with Pastor Yolanda, I hope to see even more activities in the building. I envision monthly suppers for college students, dinners for new and prospective members, and a thriving Praise and Worship Team teaching you new music. I hope you shine your light across the WSU and Friends University campuses and throughout the city of Wichita. May your membership grow and flourish. I hope you continue to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported and no one has to do life alone.
While I know this is an amazing church with deeply caring and loving members, please don’t sit back and assume someone else will take on the next opportunity. Whether it’s volunteering, going on a mission trip, or helping during Sunday worship service, I hope everyone steps up and does their part to help University grow and prosper. Take charge, be proactive, and together, you will continue to make up the beautiful puzzle that is University United Methodist Church.
As I pass this space back to Pastor Yolanda in next week's newsletter and begin my new journey, I urge each of you to support Pastor Yolanda as she continues to lead without an assistant for a while. Your support and active participation will be crucial during this transition period. I also challenge you to extend the same kindness to the next person who becomes the Administrative Assistant for University. The position can be demanding, but it is also very rewarding.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Rev. Jo and the SPRC for giving me an opportunity despite my lack of experience in church work and my limited involvement in religion. A special thank you to Pastor Yolanda for patiently answering my questions about God and religion, always supporting her answers with scripture, and teaching me to be more patient during challenging times. Thank you to G for being my weekly partner in crime, and to Nancy Fugate for always listening to my stories. Jane Eshelman, your proofreading skills are unmatched, and I am deeply grateful for your help. To Randall, Allen, Stephanie, Janna, Gloria, “G Man”, and many others—I wish I had enough space to individually thank each of you for your patience and grace as I navigated my journey of learning about University and God. My journey with God is far from over, and who knows when our paths might cross again.
Until next time,
Tammi Fletcher
Pastor Yolanda White-Oliver
Pastor Yolanda White-Oliver has been serving at University UMC since July 2024.